Weekly Picture Project

Weekly Picture Project 5

This week we were given the brief of;

"the Twilight hour"

this is the hour of the day were either the sun is just coming up in the morning or when the sun is just gong down in the evening.
for this week's project i decided to look at both times, the morning and evening and show what different effects they create.
one is very dramatic and the other is hidden but beautiful.

i shall start in order of day so the first image i submitted was of the morning twilight hour.

Morning Twilight gives a due to the environment

I decided with showing morning twilight because as you will see later it is a great contrast to evening twilight.
the above image was taken in my garden at around 7.20am just when the sun was rising and when the due has not been dried off yet after a cold evening.
i took this particular image because i think it has a great amount of detail, texture and tone but also has a beautiful fresh emerald green colour and this especially emphasised by the due at this particular "magical" time of day.

Next i decided to photograph the evening twilight hour:

Evening Twilight can be quite dramatic

This image was taken on a field next to my house at around 6.30pm.
i looked out my window and saw this beautiful bright orange and red sunset and decided this would be the perfect opportunity to show the evening twilight.
Although the image has obviously been edited and it was taken with the sunset setting on my camera which gives the images a golden glow, the dramatic effect and stunning detail and texture in the clouds is all real.
As i mentioned earlier, this image is a stark contrast to the morning twilight, whereas morning has only small effects on the environment like a mist or due, the evening has a huge effect such as this sunset which has altered the clouds and the colour of the landscape almost like an explosion.

Both times of twilight shown are obviously very different but they are both also very beautiful in there own way and i think i have been successful in showing what "The Twilight hour" is.

Weekly Picture Project 4

this weeks project was to look at;

"October colour and light"

october light and colour for me meant bright orange sun and golden crispy leaves so for this brief i wanted to show just that.
before i chose my final image i had a few that i couldn't really decide on, all images shown a different type of "october light and colour".

forrest light 1

forrest light 2

with the above "forrest light 1 and 2" images i tried to reflect that "last moment of warmth" time just before the sun goes down and the winter chill sets in.
although the composition on these images is nothing new and quite safe, i think that i have captured that warm glowing feeling perfectly.

october can bring out beautiful colours

with the mushroom picture i wanted to show what detail and colour october/autumn can bring to the british landscape.
the deep red of the mushroom mixed with the emerald green of the grass is beautiful, complimented by a soft golden glow from the sunlight moments before it goes down.

all above images do show "october colour and light" although i wanted something a bit more, thoughtful and pleasing. something that truly reflects that orange theme we get from october.

final image.
the image that i chose to represent "october colour and light" for my Weekly picture project is the image above.
i chose this image because not only does it have a beautiful amber/orange to the background but it also shows the decaying leaves as it slowly turns into winter.
a perfect representation of what october is.
i edited this image by turning it into a HDR image. this is done in photoshop by choosing three of the same image, the original, a lighter version and a darker version and merging them together to get the background detail to really stand out, and as i wanted that orange to seap through and contrast with the dying brown leaves, making a HDR image was the best choice.

Weekly Picture Project 3

For this weeks project we were given the brief;

"Patterns in the built environment"

this meant we were to go out and look for any natural pattern created by something built and emphasise the desired pattern through the use of angle if needed.
i decided to show two different perspectives on the brief.

Patterns can be found on a large scale...

this first image (above) is a very obvious choice for "patterns in the built environment" as it is a manufactured building and clearly would be easy to find patterns amongst its architecture.
What i like about this image though is not only the patterns in the actual bulling but the patterns that the cloud makes when it is reflected almost symmetrical, in the glass building, all elements work really well in this image and to accompany that, i have used an overpowering angle to give that sense of power.

...or on a small scale

The second image i chose to reflect "patterns in a built environment" is a subject that once shown, is an obvious choice but at the same time, something that you would not necessarily think of straight away.
the spiders cobweb is a small yet beautiful example of both a built environment and pattern as they both are one and the same.
the spider has built this web for catching flies but at the same time, they create these beautiful patterns and i have been able to emphasise this even more as i managed to catch this in my garden at the right time of day, with the right light and a with a stunning morning due to it. un-touched and un-disturbed.
editing the image, i chose to de-saturate the colour so that the focus is drawn completely on the web and i have also added a grain filter in photoshop to add that atmospheric film noir tone to the image.

Both images are completely different examples of what could be achieved when looking for "patterns in a built environment" but it is important to fully explore areas like this in the way i have, looking at subjects at far sides of the spectrum. exploring all possibilities.

Weekly Picture Project 2

for this weeks weekly picture project our brief was:

"everyday unusual"

this could be interpreted however we want but had to show something that was unusual to an everyday setting with different angles to accompany them.
this week i decided to take props into my garden and set them up with everyday actions.

for my first image , i was clearly influenced from that famous scene form "alice in wonderland" during the mad hatter's tea party.
by setting up this pinata on my garden bench with a dish and cutlery as if he is having a meal, i have set out what i wanted to achieve.
edited by simply giving a vignette effect made in "aperture" and then going into "photoshop" to add sepia, i have given the image a vintage feel, finally i erased the background layer over the pinata so that the colours would come through clearly as he is the main focus of the image and wanted to draw the viewers even more to him and make it almost hypnotic to look at.

fot this image, i wanted the subject to seem alive and that i caught him just as he realised.
the angle on this is interesting as i got far down to and rested my camera in the grass with it at a slight angle looking up.
editing techniques were again the same style as the previous image although i have added a further sharpness, definition and vibrancy to the subject in "aperture" to make the subject much more detailed.

for my final image i wanted to re-create a natural insect in a natural environment, and as this is "unusual everyday" i decided to use that exaggerated caterpillar toy leaning out of a small tree in my garden.
again the angle on this is also usual as i led on my back underneath the tree and took the image looking up so it makes the subject seem like it is coming out of the photograph.
editing this time was without the use of a vignette and instead just a a mix of contrasts and sepia with again (as with the first image) the use of layers and erasing it so that the colours of the toy caterpillar would fully come through so that it adds to the effect of the subject literally leaning out of the image.

this weeks picture project of "everyday unusual" was successful for me as i got what i wanted to achieve and i have also been able to show a quirkiness and originality in me with the use of these images.

Weekly Picture Project 1

My first ever people picture!
quite good.. for a first time
the image reflects how i think other people view me and how i also view myself. with the use of plain colour and a striking red lettering its also very obvious and "out there" showing that i don't care what people generally think.