this section is dedicated to a personal database of helpful contacts and links within the industry, also it is a collection of personal details such as my C.V.
Curriculum Vitae
Above is my C.V. which is required for when i apply for a job. listed is my educational awards, personal skills in which i think my particular employers in this industry will require and contact details.
With this C.V. i will be able to keep adding to this, building up both my skills and awards that a i receive and so will improve how i look to employers and increase my chances with getting a job in this highly competitive industry.
Personal Database
The personal contacts database, that i posted above, is a helpful collection of contacts and websites that i can use for a number of things including research, references and to look out for possible jobs.
i have listed plenty of websites so that if i ever need research for a particular photographer(s) i can quickly open my database, look for a suitable link and be taken directly to that webpage instead of searching through countless sites looking for that particular relevant photographer.
also i have links for Professional photography websites such as that A.O.P (association of photographers) website that i would be able to enter competitions or even contact actual professionals in the industry.
finally i have listed, for some websites, a link to the job listings section so that when im ready to start looking into possible jobs, i will be able to open this database, click the jobs link and be able to see if that particular company is hiring and take it from there.
Skillset Website
above is the Skillset website, which is basically a resourceful website for people in the creative industry.
It provides information on how to get ahead and maintain a steady position in the highly competitive industry of the creative arts. This website covers all creative media and so will be helpful for any information and advice i need. there are also tutorials which i could look at and you can also apply for training, should i ever need the further training.
There is also a section were professionals post helpful tips and how they managed to get ahead in the competition. this will be very helpful to read when applying for jobs as i will be able to get advice from real professionals actually in the industry and who live it.
Below is an example of the extracts posted by people who are actually working in the industry, reading these helps in a number of ways because it is first hand experience from professionals who earn their living in the photographic industry
A.O.P - association of photographers
The association of photographers is a website dedicated to the photographic industry.
their company is built up of professionals, educators, colleges, schools, assistants, agents and students all within the field.
Like the Skillset website they provide helpful tips and advice on how to get ahead and also offer tutorials and training sessions.
Not only do they do this but the association of photographers also hold annual competitions that are highly respected and commended, winning one is a massive achievement for any aspiring photographer.
Above is the A.O.P's competition page that is accessible via the home page.
they have winners either as a single image or a series of images, under a number of types of photography, e.g. object, body, environment and advertising.
the A.O.P's recognised judges then all decide upon a winner from the category.
Winning one of these competitions will mean a lot to any photographer because it will get them recognised in a such a competitive and "every man for himself" industry, fast, which is a great standout point.